Why make disciples?
How this training has equipped others
As followers of Jesus, we are called to be disciples who make disciples. This isn't just for the highly gifted but for everyone. We all get to play!
Wondering if this training is for you? Check out the next video (below) to hear from others who have been been equipped to be a disciples that multiply.
Some details about this training
How do we partner with God to make disciples?
While many of us know that making disciples is the job Jesus gave to us, we are unsure where to start … let alone see a Disciple-Making Movement (DMM) take hold.
In this DMM Core course, you will:
- receive teaching and insight that will deepen your understanding of making disciples
- dig into the Bible to see how Jesus made disciples
- hear real stories from people who are making disciples
- explore simple tools and practices to help you make disciples.
There are 6 modules to complete. Each module has a number of lessons in it. Some lessons will only take a minute or two, others will take you longer as you watch an extended video or complete a bible study. Some lessons will be input-based whilst others will require you to connect with others away from the training. This course is intended to activate you as a disciple-maker so there will be lessons which involve you putting what you are learning into practice.
Each module could take you between 2-5 hours to complete so we encourage you to set aside a portion of time to focus on this course each week. You need to focus on this course often enough that you don’t lose momentum, but far enough apart that you have time to reflect and act on your learning.
What do I need to do this training?
In order to complete the DMM Core Course training, you will need an A4 lined notebook for your bible studies. All other activities can be completed within the training.
A coach
We encourage you to have a coach journey with you as you work through this course. We will talk more about this, but basically, a coach is a fellow believer who you can debrief with and keep you accountable.
If you don’t have someone who can act as your coach, please contact us [email protected] and we will connect you with someone.
Getting started
Below you will see each of the different modules and lessons.
When you are ready to start, click on the “Get started” button below.
Course Topics
Orientation & Vision
The 'how to' of this course
This is Discipleship
Why make disciples?
God's vision for mankind
The vision for disciple-making
What is a disciple?
"Come, follow me"
The Bible- God’s spoken Word to us
How to do a 4-column bible study
4 column bible study - John 14:15-26
What do you think?
Introduction to Disciple-making movements
Recap Module 1
Starting with Jesus…
Bible reading - Mark 1:1-15
Engage Africa - Prayer
Let's reflect on prayer
What happens as we pray?
What does the bible show us about prayer?
A story of prayer
4 column bible study - John 15:1-10
Reflection - A time that God spoke
Developing your own prayer life
4 column bible study - Luke 11:1-13
So how do I pray with others?
How did you go praying with someone else?
Tools to help us pray
Creating a Mind Map
Go for a prayer walk!
A story of prayer walking
Recap - Module 2
A story of making prayer the main activity
"I will..."
Commit to praying with others
God’s heart for the lost.
4 column bible study - Luke 19:1-10
A story of discovering God's heart for the lost
Where are the lost people in your world?
Pressing into God's heart for the lost
Religion versus spirituality
Check your understanding
Be in the harvest
4 column bible study - Luke 5:27-32
A story of engaging the harvest
Engaging the harvest around you
Relational networks
A story of the gospel moving through relational networks
Relational networks around you
Spiritual conversations
4 column bible study - John 4:4-42
Spiritual conversations quadrant
Go and have spiritual conversations!
How did your spiritual conversations go?
Recap Module 3
A story of reaching out
"I will..."
Going deeper to answer the question: What is a disciple?
A story of the shift towards being a disciple
4 column bible studies - obedience
What is a Discovery Group?
Engage Africa- Discovery Bible Studies
Reflection - Group discipleship and DBS
How to do a DBS
A resource for you - Starting a Discovery Group
Check your understanding
Stories of starting Discovery Groups
It's time to start a DBS!
How did your DBS go?
Recap Module 4
A story of discovery to baptism
"I will..."
Multiplication comes from the beginning
A story of multiplication
The rice story
4 column bible study - Luke 8:4-15
Power of ordinary people
City team: Disciple-making movements
Disciple-making is a way of life
Forming a team and gathering others
Learn more about building a team
Check your understanding
Preparing to form team
Forming your team
4 column bible study - Luke 9:1-6
Recap Module 5
"I will..."
Where to from here?
Be part of movement
Where are you connecting to be encouraged?
Coaching and mentoring
Do you have a coach?
Pathways from here
"I will..."
Pay it forward
Your feedback is important
Go for it!